
I love this flower. 

She grew in the Dahlia bed in our yard that also hold the ashes of my late father. The larger orange petals on the right are curling and arching to peek at the petals on the left. They're different. They have white tips and they're smaller. But all come from the same bud. Perhaps it's stem was bent and it grew sideways. Or, maybe another larger blossom was blocking the sunlight as she expanded and she had to make adjustments to survive. 


I stared at this flower for the longest time. The story it tells is my story. Our story. 7 months in to this covid era, we are all forced to make adjustments to survive, or wither. We need to reach for the Light. We have to bend and curl around in awkward, unfamiliar and unnatural ways if we want to soak up anything worth digesting. 

My children feel it, too. Every night before bed they ask what tomorrow holds, hoping for something new or exciting. Every morning they wake up, asking again. I really try to find at least ONE thing we can do whether inside the home or out. I can see it in their little bodies, the reaching, curling and bending for the Light. The Hope. 

One of the staples we all look forward to, no matter how old they get, is the nightly back rub. Human touch. Therapy. Movement. I have been using Serenity with coconut oil on my boys backs to bring them and myself back to a place of rest from the constant wandering of our minds. The unanswered questions. The oils are messengers. They tell the body its ok to just, be still. And as they drift off to sleep I bless them with deep sleep, with peaceful dreams, and with the hope of Christ. And I ask Jesus to whisper to their hearts and mine that He is here, He knows and sees all and He is why we wake up in the morning. 

As you're bending and curling and reaching for something to give you rest, consider this: "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. The world and all who live in it." Psalm 24. He knows you. You are His.

I know we're all just doing our best. Please keep doing that! These oils that we have access to are a gift from the Creator. Utilize them, just as you use food to nourish and sleep to replenish. Don't underestimate the power they hold to influence your emotions and your nerves. And let us be thankful! 

I'd love to hear which oils are bringing you the most comfortable right now. Please share in the comment section so we can gather ideas from one another 💛 




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